How To Revise Effectively

At Nether Stowe School we promote learning and revision strategies that are proven to work. The internet is full of websites offering advice on how to revise but many can be misleading and unhelpful. The advice we endorse below is based on cognitive science (how the brain works) and is highly effective.

The 3 Rs of Revision

Refine it – Create a Plan   

Prioritise Your Work – Watch the video for support

Not all tasks are equally important. Learn to prioritise by tackling the most urgent and important tasks first. If you have a major test tomorrow but a small homework assignment due next week, focus on studying first. Setting priorities helps you feel less overwhelmed because you know you’re working on what matters most.

Take Breaks

It might seem like working nonstop is the best way to get things done, but that’s not true! Your brain needs breaks to recharge. Try studying for 25-30 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Get up, stretch, or grab a snack. You’ll return to your work feeling refreshed and more focused.

Study schedule

Deciding on what, when and how to revise is always best when you plan your time effectively, During the build up to exams the best way to do this is to use a revision timetable. The template below is an example that could be used or adapted to help plan your weeks. Add the subject and topic area to a session, decide on the key knowledge that will be the focus and revise it.  

Download a copy here.

Revise it – How?

Dual Coding

Mind Mapping  

Flash cards – use your Key Knowledge slides from each of the lessons you’re are being examined on.

Review it – How?

GCSE and A Level Past Paper

Key Dates

  • Assessment Week 1 (Year 11 and Year 13): Monday 4th November – Friday 15th November
  • Assessment Week 1 (Whole School): Monday 11th November – Friday 15th November
  • Assessment Week 2 (Year 11 and Year 13): Monday 24th February – Friday 7th March 
  • Assessment Week 2 (Year 7, 8, 9,10): Monday 3rd March – Friday 7th March
  • Summer Exams: Thursday 8th May – Wednesday 25th June
  • Assessment Week 3 (Year 7,8,9,10,12): Monday 16th June – Friday 20th June
  • GCSE Results Day: Thursday 21st August

Useful Websites For GCSE Revision

DTAQA DT Revision on Seneca Learning
AQA DT Assessment Material on Seneca Learning
 DT Knowledge Organisers
English Language Seneca Language
Bitesize Language
YouTube Language
English LiteratureLiterature Seneca
 Literature Bitesize
 Literature YouTube
FrenchOak Academy
 BBC Bitesize
HistorySeneca – American Expansion and Consolidation Revision
Seneca – Health and the People Revision
Revision videos – Conflict and Tension in Asia
RE – Religions; Christianity and Islam

RE Checklist- GCSE RS guidence
RE – Themes
BBC bite size link
Art  Y11 Component 3 Activity 4 Client Portfolio
  Y11 Component 3 Activity 2 Development Review