Welcome to Sixth Form

At Nether Stowe Sixth Form we are a collaborative community where every student is valued, cared for and included. Our learners are encouraged to be resilient, independent and proud of their school. We believe that every student should be given the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential and, through consistently high expectations, we prepare and equip our students for their future and give them the best possible chance of achieving their aspirations. The Sixth Form is integral to life here at Nether Stowe and we want all of our students to aspire to become a part of it. We also welcome students from other schools to our Sixth Form and are confident that they will integrate well into our school community. 

This is an exciting stage of education for young people as they begin to make decisions about the next phase of their life. We offer a range of subjects both academic and vocational and with the excellent support and guidance provided by our staff we ensure that these are suitably matched with the students’ aspirations and attainment. We are committed to providing our students with the very best chance of academic success through excellent teaching, challenge, support and ambition. We also understand that success is founded on care : our dedicated Sixth Form pastoral support ensures that students mental health and personal development is a priority.  

There is much more to Sixth Form than just the academic outcomes and we pride ourselves on ensuring that students are well prepared for life after school be that; university, employment or an apprenticeship. We work in partnership with external agencies, speakers and universities to expose students to a range of differing experiences helping them to become well rounded, informed, mature adults. Students will receive individual and group careers guidance, including preparation for interviews, as well as dedicated tutor time to support their independent study and employability skills. Students will engage in our tailored PSHE programme where they will consolidate knowledge of personal safety, and their place and role in a changing society, alongside the development of their independent living skills such as budgeting, cooking and changing plugs: life skills that will stay with them forever! Alongside this we offer leadership, volunteering, mentoring and other enriching activities that contribute to the wider education of our students. 

The Sixth Form is a lively, vibrant and friendly community that students enjoy and are proud to be a part of and we welcome you to come and take a look at what we can offer you. 

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Miss H Riley

Head of Sixth Form

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Miss K Bulpitt

Sixth Form Pastoral

Destination Data 2021