Exam Result Support Information 2024

A Level results day is Thursday 15th August 08:30 – 10:00 main Hall

GCSE results day is Thursday 22nd August 09:00 – 10:00 main Hall

If you are unable to collect your results:

  • Nominate a relative or trusted friend to collect on your behalf. ID must be shown by your nominated collector and a signed permission note from yourself which exams will retain.
  • By providing a self-addressed envelope to main reception before 12th July 2024. Please note that they will be posted on results day.
  • If there is no alternative method for collecting results, they can be sent by email to your school account.

Please email Mrs J Haddock: jhaddock@netherstowe.com stating your unforeseen circumstance. Please note they will be emailed after candidates attending on site have collected their slips and urgent enquiries have been actioned.
In the event that school is unable to open, alternative arrangements will appear on the school website.

We hope that you have achieved your expected grades but should you have a concern please speak to a member of staff who will discuss options open to you, or alternatively email Mrs J Haddock: jhaddock@netherstowe.com 

The following exam board post results service links have additional information which you will find useful:

AQA Post Results Infographic

AQA Post Results Service

JCQ Post Results Service

JCQ Appeals Booklet

JCQ Post Results Infographic

Nether Stowe Results Notes for Candidates – 15th August

Nether Stowe Results Notes for Candidates – 22nd August

OCR Post Results Infographic

OCR Post Results Service Fees

Pearson Post Results Infographic

Pearson Post Results Service Fees

WJEC Post Results Infographic

WJEC Post Results Service Fees